Gwen Vito Smith, manager of Revenue Operations and Publisher Support at Media Tradecraft, has been recognized as a Top Women in Ad Tech 2023 honoree. This prestigious recognition is given to women who have made significant contributions to the ad tech industry, and who have demonstrated leadership and innovation in their work.
Gwen has been a leader with Media Tradecraft for the last 3 years, helping businesses of all sizes improve their digital monetization strategy. She has been recognized for her innovative ideas and her ability to adapt to the constantly changing digital landscape.
As a Top Women in Ad Tech honoree Up-and-Comer, Gwen is committed to inspiring and bringing together other women who are making an impact on the future of the digital media and adtech community. Gwen embodies the supportive and inclusive work culture that is at the heart of Media Tradecraft, welcoming those who are newer to the industry with open arms. Congratulations to Gwen and all the Top Women in Media & Ad tech Honorees!
The Top Women in Ad Tech 2023 Awards will be presented by AdExchanger and AdMonsters on June 5, 2023 at the Top Women Awards Gala in New York City.